Steely Silvery Streaky Sky

This sunset image takes on a decidedly colder feel compared to the original colour version.

The last couple of days have sent a reminder of the cooler forthcoming season: warmer clothes have been needed; an extra layer added; an cosy blanket warms chilly toes; soft fleecey tops have been snuggled into; a favourite hand-knitted woolly hat has once again seen the light of day; a small electric heater has been turned on – albeit quite fleetingly – to heat a chilly room – before the main sources of heating have been fired up; hot-chocolate snooze-enducing beverages are being devoured late into the evening.

The weather people have predicted strong winds and heavy rain tonight – as well as a rise in temps. Maybe all those extra sources of comfort, warmth and joy have been brought into play too soon ………. we’ll see.

26 thoughts on “Steely Silvery Streaky Sky

  1. I like the composition. It would be nice to see the colour version to compare.

    It has turned cold in northeast Florida too — only 76 degrees today.


    1. Yes – perhaps I should have added the colour version for comparison. I found it today and may post as I really like the colours!

      ONLY 76 degrees, eh? You’ll be getting the cable-knit sweater out then šŸ˜Ž


  2. Gorgeous conversion. Love your description of comforts, warmth and joy – which I know I’d miss, if I had to live on a tropical island. šŸ™‚


    1. Thank you, Scott. It’s one of my images from the archives and I’ve been waiting to post it when the time seemed appropriate. I’m pleased you like the tones. I’m going to post the colour version soon for comparison.


    1. Thank you, Sheila. We had a real change in the weather recently and although the rain is ever-present, the temps took a dip. It shocked everyone into reaching for their warmer layers! It’s been a bit warmer today though.


    1. Thank you, David! I think it must be a strong hibernation instinct: wrap up; snuggle up; burrow down; take on plenty of rich, comforting, chocolately drinks; cover oneself in natural fibres ……… and snooooooze šŸ™‚


    1. Many thanks, Truels. It felt distinctly Autumnal here this morning: damp, cold – cobwebs were alight with morning dew – then the rest of the day turned warm. It can’t make its mind up šŸ™‚


  3. Good to see you in black and white (at long last???!) if I can put it that way! Beautiful, atmospheric image – I can imagine being there. The three little bushes/trees under the sunset make the shot, and the sky above is simply glorious. Good stuff, M! A


    1. Thank you, Adrian! I photographed this in a wonderful – atmospheric – place; one could see for miles. I think it would be interesting to get out early for a potential sunrise shot in the same place (early mornings are so chilly at the moment though šŸ™‚ ).


    1. Thanks for your comments on this one, Jul’. For me the colour one gives a warm and satisfying feeling, whereas this one has an edge to it; an air of mystery perhaps ……..


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