Plaid Field


Went for a brisk walk this afternoon and came across this field which contained a checked – tartan-type – pattern. The light was very poor as it was very overcast again but even in these conditions the patterns showed up fairly well.

I’ve seen patterns in fields before, but mainly they are of the simple striped variety. I have never seen anything quite like this before!

Below is an abstract version that I was going to post but I thought the scene looked rather more interesting with a bit of context included as in the above photo.


It reminds me of a Scottish tartan rug πŸ™‚

I’d like to try and take a photo from a higher position on a brighter day but this will need to be done in the next few days before the grass (crops?) start to grow.

46 thoughts on “Plaid Field

    1. πŸ™‚ Thank you, E. An internet search suggested it may a type of farming called Strip Cropping which helps with soil erosion. The field had many undulations so maybe that’s why they are trying it.


  1. Hey, someone’s going to have a lot of people over for a picnic…the rug’s down, in readiness! I prefer the second pic, and your new blog theme! πŸ™‚


    1. Yes – there were signs of a faint checkered pattern as we entered the field which became more pronounced as we walked on. Haven’t managed to get up there on a bright day yet but I guess the effect will have muted a little by now.


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