Oilseed Flowers


A close-up of some bright yellow oilseed rape flowers, photographed during some glorious warm and sunny weather once again today.

The oilseed pods can be seen here lower down the stem where the petals have dropped. These pods will swell up during the coming months ready for harvesting for the oil.

Saw many butterflies today – tortoise shell, peacock, orange-tip and brimstone – many of which were playing in pairs – whirling around in mid-air.  Also saw a pair of woodpeckers – albeit at a bit of a distance – but a wonderful sight!

16 thoughts on “Oilseed Flowers

  1. Aren’t they just lovely en masse .
    You are one ahead on the butterfly watch M .. not seen an orange tip . YET 😉


    1. I had to stop myself being distracted when driving this morning. There are so many fields full of it this year; quite incredible!

      I saw an orange tip quite close up this morning. It landed on a flower in the garden and I was able to get close enough to photograph it. Haven’t looked at the images yet but don’t think they will be any good as it was in full sun and there were a lot of highlights.


    1. The colour is so mesmerising and the smell is intoxicating. The smell fills the air at the moment. As soon as I step outside, it’s there. I watched a BBC programme about bees a couple of days ago and there was a bit where someone was tasting honey from around the country. Apparently some honey tastes quite strongly of this plant because of its widespread use in fields these days.


  2. Our song birds are back. We are barely reaching normals -10 degrees Celsius. Still trying to be rid of snow & ice.


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