29 thoughts on “treesinapuddle

  1. this is the kind of post I linger in front of like I linger in the art museum in front of things that transcend the ordinary so extraordinarily


  2. This is real Escher stuff. I keep looking for the fish looking up from just under the surface…It must have been tempting to render this in monochrome, but I think the earth-tones work very well. Wonderful.


    1. What a delight to read your comment first thing this morning. I had to look up Escher in relation to this type of image and discovered his puddle woodcut art. I never knew. I knew about his up and down and around and about type of work, but not his watery trees reflected work. I came across his ‘Puddle’ woodcut which I found amazing. I have been photographing mud and tyre tracks and footprints and reflected trees for quite a while and rejected them because I wondered if anyone else would also find those kinds of images interesting and attractive 🙂 It’s given me a bit of a lift!

      Apparently we have a book about Escher’s art here at home which I have – allegedly – seen in the past. I have no knowledge of seeing it but it will be sought – amongst the thousand or so books we have here – tonight, so I will check if his waterworks are in it – so to speak 😉

      I did try out a monochrome version but it had little impact. As you say, the earth-tones work better in this case.

      Thanks, Gary – and watch out for more ……


      1. You have lifted my spirits today too, M–what a beautiful and rewarding response! Yes, it’s a great exercise to the imagination to try to get one’s mind around the impossible perspectives he was able to imagine, but his rather more serious multi-layered works are endlessly fascinating. I’ve been a fan of his work for some (dare I say it?) 40 years, and I became aware of it just around the time when he died (1972). One only has to see some of his work once, and it is imprinted on the mind forever. Again–I really love this new image you’ve created!


        1. Many thanks, Gary! Isn’t it wonderful and uplifting to share art in its many forms?! I wouldn’t have thought about Escher if you hadn’t mentioned him. We found and had a look through the book last night. His work is fascinating – I like it very much. I had forgotten about his tesselations which are also wonderful.

          I am now on a quest to try and replicate ‘Puddle’ with the tyre tracks and footprints, along with a very strong reflection of trees. Will probably have to wait for a brighter day to get that strong reflection, though.


    1. Hello Kieran! Grand to hear from you again. Hope life is treating you well. Many thanks for your comment. It seems as if three years in the blogging world is just a blink of an eye (scary). Looking at your website now. All the best 🙂


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